13/06/2024 CDD U4aizBy2OQA5EQLpwlT0-BNArtj78jYS_Xrph_HDCCo

Incident Manager Chez Talentpeople

Ile-de-France - PARIS

60 rue de l’Arcade - 75008 Paris

Présentation de l'entreprise

Leader français du conseil en Talent Acquisition depuis 2004, TALENTPEOPLE accompagne les Directions des Ressources Humaines et Directions Commerciales dans la construction de leur stratégie d'acquisition, de gestion et de rétention des Talents, par la mise à disposition d'experts dédiés et d'outils innovants.

Description de l'offre

Key Responsibilities

- Management of major incidents, management of task force and facilitation of incident reviews.

- Crisis communication management: Customer support, incident follow-up communication to the business.

- Fill in the 5 WHY incident report, writing improvement plans.

- Management of alerts and incidents that could lead to IM (Ex: partially down sites) by using all monitoring tools (splunk, dynatrace, zabbix,...)

- Monitoring and management of backlogs / Quality review
- Contribution to reporting and follow-up of action plans for each end-to-end process (Incident, Problem, Production Releases and Change). - Contribution to the harmonization of processes and standards with a view to synergy and continuous improvement.
- Verification of good production practices for IT services, based on ITIL methodologies.
- Calculation of KPIs
- Follow-up of problem openings and identification of tasks associated with each problem.
- Coordination of tasks associated with each issue.
- Communication on the status of back logs of problems, participation in the meeting of the operations committee.
- Guarantee the deadlines for completion of tasks.
- Escalation point with our service managers, Directors and the various players in the group (business lines, studies.)

Key Relationships

·Global and Regional infrastructure teams · GOSP and customer interaction





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