02/05/2024 CDD 2024-33882

Stage - Venture Capital Analyst H/F Chez Bouygues Construction Holding

Ile-de-France - VERSAILLES
Bouygues Construction Holding

- - 78280 GUYANCOURT

Présentation de l'entreprise

Leader de la construction durable

Description de l'offre

Construction Venture, as the Corporate Venture Capital arm of Bouygues Construction, seeks to invest in early-stage startups with the goal of fostering strategic partnerships that can effectively address both present and future business challenges.

  • Analysing market trends relevant to our investment thesis in the startup environment across different European countries and dynamics to identify investment opportunities or collaborations with startups.
  • Presenting trends in the European ConTech sector internally.
  • Participating in the development of the Construction Venture investment fund.
  • Attending meetings with startups for potential investments/collaborations.
  • Preparing investment memos on different startups.
  • Participating to cross-functional missions for the Senior Associate Europe such as implementation of the communication strategy and representing Construction Venture at events.

Profil recherché

You are from a Business School (Grande Ecole) or university majoring in economics, finance, strategy, commerce, management, seeking a gap year or final year internship.

You are proactive, curious, and interested in strategy, business and financial analysis

Proficiency both in English and French is required





Taille maximale du fichier : 1Mo

Taille maximale du fichier : 1Mo

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